The "Gore"geous One
Why Rhyno?
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Why Rhyno?  

It's simple... I 've been watching Rhyno come up in the ranks, so to speak.  First in BCW, a local indy from Windsor, Ontario, Canada  , then I used to watch him on ECW and now WWE. 

I knew first seeing him he was gonna be something big and when I heard he was coming to WWE I was really happy.  Then when they brought him in as a friend of my two other favorites, Edge and Christian, that made it even better, for me at least LOL

They all are friends from way back, they worked together in the indys as a group called Thug Life.  The chemistry between them is great!

Rhyno comes from a working class family, just like me, and its great to see that we both turned out good!  LOL  He's had his problems with anger and managed to overcome it and make something of himself and I think thats wonderful.

In looking through the net I noticed there were really no Rhyno sites that are updated on a regular basis and really thought he deserved one, so here it is.  I hope its good and everyone enjoys it!

We even grew up right across the river from each other, him in Detroit area me in Windsor area.  Ony the Detroit river separated us lol

I think Rhyno is a terrific athlete who works his butt off every night but, unfortunetly, doesn't get the accolades he deserves from the powers that be. 

 So, there you have my little Why Rhyno? story LOL


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