The "Gore"geous One
Rhyno On Wrestlemania VI
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Actually, I've got a shirt from WrestleMania VI. I've got a couple of cousins that live up there, and they went to it. I think I still have it. It doesn't fit anymore. It had Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior. We didn't have cable at the time so we didn't order the Pay-Per-View. I was working at a restaurant, busing tables. I watched the show a couple of years ago, in my days of watching a bunch of tapes and studying. I always wanted to watch it -- always wanted to rent it. My buddy had it, and brought it over. I remember watching it, and I remember the Orient Express and the Rockers. They would always have a good match. They had a couple of matches on Pay-Per-View I think. The match that stuck out was Hogan-Warrior. I remember Hogan working like the heel. Warrior won both belts. I think he was the first person in Federation history to unify both titles. So we have something in common, me and the Warrior. I unified the TV Title and the Heavyweight Title in ECW, for the first time ever. Detroit is about four or five hours from Toronto. I've traveled it a hundred times before. I'm sure we'll get a lot of people driving up from Detroit for WrestleMania X-8. Being part of WrestleMania is something special, even if you're a fan. And for a wrestler, it's something incredibly special, being part of it one way or another, whether you do a run-in or something. The day before the press conference to announce WrestleMania X-8 was coming back to Canada, I got to the hotel, ate, lay down and watched TV. On the news they were showing clips of Vince McMahon's plane pulling up -- and actually that's the first time I've seen it -- and they were talking about, Oh, it landed. And there's a press conference tomorrow about WrestleMania X-8. It's pretty cool to see something like that, because it does generate a lot of business for the city. It's just incredible. It is kind of like the World Series, the Stanley Cup and the Super Bowl of wrestling. I'm glad it's in Toronto. A couple of my family members might come up to see it. It's going to be a hot ticket. So we'll see. We'll see how good they are this year -- what kind of gifts I'll get for Christmas.

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