Height: 5 foot 10 Weight: 275 pounds From:
Detroit Finishing Move: Gore Career Highlights: Hardcore Champion,
WCW U.S. Champion, ECW World Heavyweight Champion, ECW Television Champion
On Nov. 2, 2001, Rhyno put his career on the line when he had surgery to
repair his spine. But while his injuries would've indeed ended the career of an average competitor, Rhyno returned to WWE
in late February 2003. They don't call him the Man-Beast for nothin'.
There are only two other Superstars who have returned from spinal surgery -- Stone Cold Steve Austin and Chris Benoit.
One, Austin, is a multi-time WWE Champion. The other, Benoit, is the current World Heavyweight Champion who Rhyno will seek
to dethrone now that he is a RAW Superstar. Being that Benoit and Rhyno were once a tag team, and after all Rhyno has been
through, he can't be far behind. |