The "Gore"geous One
Sweeter Than Vengeance
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DISCLAIMERS: All the usual I dont own the characters Im just using them for my story.
Rhyno discovers a relationship with Raven may not be strictly healthy for him.
Rating: NC-13 - implied slash
Comedy with a twist in the tail
Characters: Raven / Rhyno / and not forgetting Molly

Sweeter than Vengeance

She had to be sorted out there was no way I could continue like this. I could swear she was aware of me of my relationship with Raven. OK so they had been together for some years before he and I became lovers but has he ever mentioned anything about sharing? I mean he hasnt told her the reality behind our relationship, that were more than just friends. But she knows already I can sense it in her hate filled eyes every time she sees us together. They stalk me around the room, monitoring my every move just waiting till my guard momentarily slips; and if I get close enough shell start quivering her indignation at my invasion of her privacy and her man. I mean she does just that visibly trembles as her rage and jealousy threaten to spill over and drown us all. If we were ever left alone shed attack me, of that I have no doubt.

The first time we were left alone, I was lucky to have escaped intact, dont ask me how I know, I just do. Raven had only gone to the kitchen to put coffee on, and she was over to me in a flash. As I backed away, my fear tangible, she drew herself up to her fullest height, adopting the most aggressive pose imaginable. Her eyes were like pin-pricks as slowly she advanced hatred and evil intent oozing from every pore of her diminutive body.

Fortunately Raven came back just in the nick of time and her attitude changed like magic. Putting on her false exterior she applied a calm façade, showing her obvious pleasure at her partners close proximity. Momentarily she laid her head against his shoulder as he gently caressed her neck. Shed closed her eyes in happiness, before slowly opening one, directing toward me a malevolent stare of superiority.

I admit she is very attractive, and can be sweet natured, so I can understand what he sees in her. And how the softness of her pleases him every time he runs a loving hand down her back, massaging her until shes nearly purring like an animal. Oh yes, shes all sweetness and charm when hes around and pretends that she likes me but I KNOW WHAT SHES REALLY LIKE that she is psychotic and neurotic and that envy and hatred is eating away at her soul.

But now things have just gone too far and hes going to have to choose. Whos the prettier? I have no doubts here she is, and would win that round hands down. Who pleases him most in bed? That, surely, must be where I have the advantage she wouldnt do half the things I do in that department. And last but not least, who does he love the best? This is where things could get tricky. In many relationships one gets into a comfortable familiarity of routine with ones chosen partner where the thought of being cut adrift from them fills you with fear of the unknown. And that, maybe, is also where her real problem lies for despite Ravens attempts to conceal the true nature of our relationship, the day surely had to come when shed find out and when that day finally came she did find out and wreaked her final act of vengeance.


We had been apart for a week, when finally we found ourselves reunited again and sat side by side on the sofa. We were not actually touching but our close, restrained proximity was a strain on both of us. I could feel my tremors of desire and anticipation mirrored in his eyes how we managed to keep our hands off each other I dont know.

Molly had been making her presence felt ever since I arrived, flirting openly with Raven and offering him light (and sometimes deeper, tongue-probing) kisses whenever they passed by each other, uncaring as to my existence. She made certain I would feel the unwanted gooseberry of the party. From time to time she would shoot me with a direct, baleful stare which clearly stated See? See who he really loves? Who would want a gay prick like you!

This particular evening Molly seemed tired (must have been the exertion of all those powerfully spiteful and vindictive glares she was sending my way); and after pottering round trying to maintain a wakeful vigil by randomly re-positioning objects round the room, she finally came to rest beside her beloved. At this point I beat a respectful retreat to the chair in the far corner of the room, watching fascinated as they shared a few tender, loving words in muted undertones. Mollys body rested against him as she tilted her head up toward him for one last kiss before resting it in the crook of his neck. A few soothing strokes and caresses later she was fast asleep.

Gently he disengaged himself from her, re-positioning her slumbering form in the padded corner of the sofa. She did not wake, merely snuggled deeper within its comfortable embrace. Looking deep into each others eyes, we shared a muted sigh of relief. Our time had come, finally.

Now what we were about to do was somewhat risky after all Molly would only be downstairs, and could awaken at any time. We would have to keep our ears half-open for her footfalls on the stair. But lust overcame all misgivings of potentially dangerous consequences (hell, we knew her temper) and like a pair of naughty schoolboys intent on some evil misdemeanor, we sneaked up the stairs.


It had been awhile, and the sex had been intense, hot and satisfying, the evening sultry and humid; and I lay sated and half-asleep, unaware that my boyfriend had gone downstairs for a drink. The heat of the night and our lovemaking had caused the covers to be discarded long ago, and all that remained was a thin sheet. Drowsily I noted that Raven was no longer beside me in the bed I was alone but there could surely be no danger as Molly was downstairs, and asleep. Comforted I drifted easily back to my half-dreaming soporific state. Then I heard it the unmistakable pit-pat of a pair of feet trying unsuccessfully to be quiet and not quite succeeding. Holding my breath I remained motionless on the bed, as if lack of movement would render me invisible. Too late I realized the protective sheet, though thin, had slid off my body, exposing my immodesty to any casual observer who cared to look.

Slowly I moved my eyeballs a fraction toward the door, and at its threshold stood my nemesis, my worst nightmare. A mass of quivering enragement balls of burning fire were shooting from her blazing eyes as she took in my naked form. The secret was out. Starting at my face, her infuriated glare of disbelief slowly traversed my naked torso; down my chest, across my abdomen, further on down my crotch and legs, before slowly malevolently retracing their path back to scorch my eyes. Again her eyes slid toward my exposed dick, as slowly she advanced deadly weapon flashing in readiness.

I was frozen to the spot incapable of moving had it been the devil himself after me. In retrospect that may well have been preferable

Emitting a blood-curdling scream of rage she suddenly torpedoes herself at my unprotected body, unerringly targeting every part she could reach with that deadly weapon. I scream my agony as each stab digs into my tender flesh, tearing at it, mutilating it beyond recognition, my blood starting to pour in several rivers down my tortured body. But that was nothing compared to her final prey the Prime Target - which she dug into and refused to let go, shaking it mercilessly back and forth like a sausage speared on a stick.

Alerted by the hellish pandemonium emanating from his bedroom, Raven flew up the stairs, but too late. He stared in dismay at the carnage festooning his previously nice clean sheets, once crisp and white but now stained a deep crimson.

Molly by this time had calmed a little, as with some trepidation for his own safety, he carefully pried her off my savaged dick. In total shock (so how the fuck did he expect ME to feel?) he wordlessly drank in the scene before him. Hurriedly he stuttered out Stay here to me (like where the fuck did he think I was about to go with a bloody and mangled piece of sausage meat dripping blood between my legs the local WI?) He then disappeared downstairs, ushering out a far from repentant looking Molly, who true to the normal nature of psychotics who should be locked up, looked around with an air of innocence.

Minutes later he returned. By this time I was shaking like a leaf at my latest close encounter with Psychotic Molly, and feeling more than a little queasy at the loss of my lifes blood. With trembling hands he tended my wounds, soaking them in warm water then applying antiseptic at which point I nearly hit the roof. When I was cleaned up he stepped back to admire his handiwork, at the same time saying

We gotta get you to hospital some of those wounds may need stitches.

What?? I exploded You mean like how am I going to explain what happened to me? Like theyd never believe me! My dick looks like its been through a mangle

Raven looked uncomfortable.

I know itll sound strange but you need more help than I can do here

What we need is the cops! Dial 911 something has to be done about her she couldve killed me!

Raven looked horror-struck.

Theyd never put Molly in jail he protested.

I was totally pissed off now.

Then just bring her back here and Ill wring her fucking neck! I yelled at the crestfallen and guilt-ridden Raven.

Well, lets get to the hospital first he soothed We can talk about this later

So off to hospital we went. And after my various wounds had been tended and my dick carefully swathed in bandages until it resembled an elongated Egyptian mummy, we had our serious, but short, talk.

I cant take anymore, Raven, I began earnestly. I love you, I really do but she is psychotic and youre gonna have to choose its either her or its me.

Raven stared back at me for a long moment the pain of needing to make such a big decision etched deep within his eyes.

I could never leave Molly he beseeched You know that.

Well then I crossed my arms resolutely, wincing as they brushed against a chest wound. That is your decision and you must live with it.


Sadly Raven walked away, back to his car. In silence he drove home, locked the car and opened the door to his house. There were two things he had to do immediately one was to chuck out the blood soaked sheets (they were just too bad to send to the laundry) and the other was to talk to Molly.

He walked into the bedroom first, and sighed for both those objects of his first intentions confronted him. There on the blood spattered sheets sat Molly. She was tidying herself up, making herself look beautiful ready for his return. Suddenly she spotted him and vocalized her pleasure at his presence. Getting swiftly to her feet she sashayed provocatively toward him as though nothing had ever been amiss in this room which now resembled a Word War battleground.

Sighing his weakness and love for this beautiful but unpredictable female, instead of shouting at her he took her in his arms and cuddled her close, reveling in her unique scent and sweet softness as she melted against him.

You know, Molly he said You really must stop doing this to my friends you know I will always love you and never leave you. He sighed again as he carried her yielding form down the stairs to the lounge.

Inserting her gently inside what he saw as her cell, he closed the spring-loaded door behind her, turning the key in the lock. And after offering her a treat he collapsed in his chair and stared at the ceiling in exhaustion.

Mollys gaze was upon him as she assessed his current feelings; but it really was his own fault. Youd have thought by now hed learnt his lesson after the first 2 or 3 times. But no I keep having to sort matters for myself he really should understand that he needs no others that all he needs is me

Molly chirped happily as her adoring brown eyes followed her beloved masters every movement. With great delicacy and finesse she held the brazil nut in her claw, whilst easily cracking it open with one bite of her large powerful black beak.

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