Rhyno joins the show. Kevin welcomes Rhyno back to the active roster. Rhyno says that it is good to be back in WWE and
says that the battle has just begun. He says that he is still a little paranoid about doing certain things with his neck and
that there is still some progress that he needs to make.
He mentions that people have told him that it looks as though he has missed no time at all, but he feels that he is still
a step or two off from being 100%. He says that he needs to work on a couple of new moves and his hot comebacks, since he
is now working as a face. He says that it will probably be another couple of months before he is comfortable in the ring again.
Tom talks about Rhyno working down in OVW while working his way back to WWE. Rhyno says that enjoyed his time in OVW. He
feels talks about how both he and the OVW wrestlers benefited from his time there.
Kevin asks about the status of his neck. Rhyno says that his neck is 100% as far as the fusion being healed. He says that
he still has about an inch of muscle to build up before it is back to where it was before the surgery. He also says that his
neck has been sore, but that he is not feeling any pain.
Kevin asks if there was any one move that may have contributed to his injury. Rhyno talks about a hardcore match he had
with Justin Credible. He was supposed to gore a garbage can that was propped between the top and middle turnbuckles, but he
did not come up high enough and drove his head right into the second turnbuckle. He also mentions doing the gore on Jeff Hardy
out of mid-air and spiked himself on the mat.
Kevin asks if Rhyno views himself and others as possibly having a shorter career based on the current style of wrestling.
He says that it depends on the competitor. He says that besides his neck injury, hes been pretty lucky that he hasnt suffered
more injuries. He feels that he could wrestle another 10 to 12 years. He says that a lot of guys now are looking toward their
post-wrestling careers by saving up their money and investing wisely.
Tom asks if Rhyno will adapt his style as a result of his injury. Rhyno says absolutely, stating that he used to be a wrestler,
but now hes an entertainer. Kevin agrees that the wrestlers will probably try to work more safely than in the past couple
of years. Rhyno mentions that a lot of times, wrestlers get caught up in their match and want to please the fans. He says
that his is trying to learn other ways to entertain the fans while not endangering his health. He talks a little about trying
to hone his skills on the microphone. Rhynos cell phone cuts out.
Rhyno calls back in. Tom asks if the fans can be educated to accept a safer style of wrestling. Rhyno thinks it is possible
if the product can be tweaked here and there. He again says that there are more ways to entertain fans than taking an over-the-top-rope
bump through a table.
Kevin asks about teaming with Chris Benoit. Rhyno says that he jokes around a lot with Benoit; he says that Chris has helped
him out a lot in dealing with and recuperating from his neck injury.
Kevin asks about Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. Rhyno feels they are both very good and have a very bright future.
Talk turns to Tommy Hearns; both he and Rhyno grew up in the Detroit area. Rhyno says that Hearns has meant a lot to the
Detroit area, especially since he was not a jerk. He says its always good to see a hometown product become a national success.
Rhyno says he is very excited about being a part of WrestleMania this year and that he was bummed out that we missed last
year because of injury. Rhyno leaves the show.