This is what happened to a very special wrestling fan and is worth the read...
"We went
to Bound for Glory, the Pay-Per-View for TNA last night. Kyle was taken by Bubba Ray Dudley up on to the ramp and brought
down to the ring where Rhino, after just winning the title, puts the belt on him and Bubba Ray Dudley starts a Kyle Chant
with the crowd. They lifted him up and walked him around the ring for a while. Kyle was standing in the center of the ring
and had the belt around his waist and had his hand raised high. They then walked him up the ramp to the tunnel and they stood
up there for a little while.
When the crowd was leaving they all walked past Kyle and everyone was slapping him five,
he was even giving out autographs and kisses in some cases. He was given a Jeff Hardey and an A.J. Styles bracelet also a
piece of Jeff Jarrett's guitar that he broke over Rhino's head. Rhino also gave Kyle some blood on his shirt.
If I
could live that moment for the rest of my life I would die a very happy and proud man. I can not express the amount of gratitude
I have for Team 3D (The Dudleys), Rhino, and The 3Live Kru. The Dudleys are Kyle's favorite Tag Team and he has watched them
since he started watching wrestling and to have them bring him out the crowd and into the ring is beyond description.
will be talking about it for a long, long time. Thank you TNA, The Dudleys, Rhino, and The 3Live Kru for showing my son how
special he is and for showing him that if you are yourself their is no limit to what you can do....
At 5 years old
he held the TNA Title, surrounded by his favorite wrestlers, with the crowd chanting his name.... Where do you go from here?"
just to note, we know Gordon wanted some pictures of this so if ANYONE has them, can you please send them to
and we will send them his way. Thanks so much everyone.